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Writer: Red Fox and CoRed Fox and Co

Осень самое время посидеть дома и поучить словаю И не забыть себя чем-то порадовать! Кофетку с полочки за слово и рассказку! ПОГОДА

Погода это такая тема, о которой можно говорить с кем угодно.: на остановке с девушкой или бабушкой, с офицером полиции -Weather in England! Люди говорят в Англии всегда идет дождь или если не дождь то уж льет как из ведра- raining cats and dogs and fogs ! НЕ могу согласиться !

Конечно мы можем ощущать себя немного пасмурно: under the weather !

Значит? это очень полезно подготовиться к такому маленькому разговору.

- Такая хорошая погода сегодня!

Правда позже обещали дождь.

- Ох А я не взяла зонтик. Я была немного подавлена и все забыла!


Мы обычно используем IT IS когда говорим о погоде мы скажем : It is + adjective или It is + verb-ing

It is + прилагательное

  • It is sunny today.

  • It's hot and humid today.

  • It's a nice day today.

МЫ можем сократить IT IS = IT's It is a + adjective + day (or morning/afternoon/night)

  • It's a fine day.

  • It's a windy afternoon.

It is + verb-ing = This type of weather is happening now.

  • It's drizzling outside.

  • It's snowing.

  • Take aa brolli (umbrella), it's raining.

  • rain (noun) - rainy (adjective)

  • sun (noun) - sunny (adjective)

  • wind (noun) - windy (adjective)

  • cloud (noun) - cloudy (adjective)

  • fog (noun) - foggy (adjective)

  • fresh- nothing

  • breeze-breezy

  • under the weather

Questions about the weather

People commonly ask about the weather by saying:

  • What's it like out(side)?

  • How's the weather?

  • What's the weather like?

  • What's the temperature?

  • What's the weather forecast?

  • What's the forecast for tomorrow?

Прочтем рассказик и послушаем видео

What a day! Iwoke up at 7 and went to the kitchen. It was raining( only when I was in the kitchen, that time !) MY dog was asleep near the fire. 'Shall we go out?', I asked Sue. Sue did not answer. She does not like her paws get wet.

I prefer breezy rainy day...I do not like hot and sunny days with high temperatures. I like snow! We do not have much( we cannot count it) snow lately.

They say, 'There is no bad wheather, but

А если есть минутка послушаем еще и песенку Я иду за солнцем

The Beatles : I follow the sun.?

One day you'll look to see I've gone

For tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun

Some day you'll know I was the one

But tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun

( quoted from 01/10/2010 link)

HAZY - could mean confused, uncertain....I have hazy memories of my boarding school. MAke a story or find a story on-line : British Council, BBC British Council, BBC , Breakingnewsenglish etc..

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